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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Is Exercising the True Fountain of Youth?

Posted by thin4life.info



Exercise can help you loss weight and feel great but another thing it can do that is sometimes missed is it can make you look younger. New research from McMaster University in Ontario has found that exercise could not only keep skin younger, but may also even reverse skin ageing in people who become more active late in life. By maintaining a better skin condition you will look younger as poor skin is a sign of aging. When you exercise you increase your body’s blood circulation and temperature which helps push more blood to the surface of your skin. In doing so your skin is provided with more oxygen and nutrients then if you had not been exercising at all. In addition to the extra blood being pushed to the surface of the skin it helps slow down the degeneration process of the skin cells and breakdown of the collagen by doing so it helps slow down the aging process, specifically the “bagginess” that comes with aging.  The best part about all of this is you can start at any age, it’s not one of those things where you have to be a certain age to reek the benefits.

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