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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

5 Easy Changes to Lose Pounds!

Posted by  thin4life.info    

Measuring Tape Wrapped Around Fork

1) Reduce or omit dairy from your diet
The “dirty dozen” outlines the top twelve most polluted fruits and veggies, but when you look at ALL foods the three dirtiest are milk, meat and coffee. That’s why the first three changes in this guide have to do with reducing or omitting these foods. Swap out standard milk (with all its pesticides, hormones and antibiotics) for more healthy almond or rice milk.
2) Cut back on or quit eating meat
Meat lover don’t fret. You can reach your weight loss goals and still eat meat by sticking to a portion that is no bigger than a deck of cards, lean and not charred. Cutting out red meats seem to have great benefits such as better digestion, better heart health, better cholesterol levels and better blood pressure.
3) Get off the bean
Coffee is in the toxic top three (milk, meat and coffee). The sooner you can kick the bean, the better. Coffee is highly acidic, addictive and can disrupt the absorption of certain vitamins and minerals. Not only that but it can also stain your teeth, raise your blood pressure, and aggravate heartburn.
4) Drink your veggies
Alkalizing is easy to accomplish by adding fresh, live greens. A tasty, fast and easy way to eat more greens (with less complaints from veggie haters) is to make green smoothie and juices. Note that popular breakfast foods tend to be very acidic. Gain added alkalization by replacing the typical pancake & egg breakfast with raw veggie drinks. This will lower the pH of your morning meal and encourage healthier cravings throughout the day.
5) Eat more salads
By far the easiest way to add alkalizing greens to your diet is to have one big salad a day. Master the art of making dressings so you can change them up often and keep your taste buds thrilled with a diverse range of salads. Instead of plate of greasy, cheese filed nachos, why not make a Mexi salad. Even if you top it with a few chips and sprinkle it with cheese, you have turned the ratios upside down.

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