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Thursday, May 21, 2015

PowerBar vs Snickers

Posted by  Thin4life.info


There are a lot of ways to change up your diet, like eating healthier snack foods such as a PowerBar rather than a Snickers bar. If we compare them side by side we can see why this would be a healthier alternative.
Nutrition:Snickers: (Weight 52.7g)Powerbar: (Weight 55g)
Cals. from fat11080
Total Fat12 g9 g
Sat. fat4.5 g4.5 g
Trans fat0 g0 g
Total Carb.33 g31 g
Dietary Fiber1 g3 g
Sugars27 g15 g
Protein4 g10 g
As you can see the PowerBar, in comparison, has a better nutritional value then the Snickers bar does, but it’s not just the nutritional facts that you need to look at. The ingredients also play a big role on the quality of the product, for example, Snickers uses artificial flavors whereas PowerBar uses natural flavors. The PowerBar also added oat fiber and a Trisource protein blend and if you have read one of my earlier posts you would know that protein and fiber helps keep you full and more energized longer.
To see list of ingredients for Snickers bar click here
To see list of ingredients for PowerBar click here

So the next time you’re about to reach for that candy bar as a quick snack just remember there are healthier alternatives.

Click here to see if Hawaii Slim is right for you: www.thin4life.info

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