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Wednesday, June 24, 2015


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Women exposed to the scent of bananas lost up to 17 pounds per month in a study at the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago. “The aroma triggers signals in the brain’s satiety center,” explains study author Alan Hirsch, M.D.
“This fools your brain into sending the message that you’re full, without the extra calories.”
Here’s a recipe for a super-slimming potpourri:
Soak 1/4 inch slices of 1 banana in lemon juice for 6 minutes. Place on a paper towel on a microwave- safe plate. In microwave, heat 5 mintues; cool. Place in a bowl with dried petals of 6 roses, 5 cinnamon sticks and 1/2 cup walnuts. Display wherever snack attacks strike.

Monday, June 22, 2015

The Difference Between Vegetarian and Vegan

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Vegetarians are people who live off a diet of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and grains with, or without, consuming dairy products or eggs. A vegetarian does not eat any red meat, poultry, seafood, or by products of slaughter. There are three common types of vegetarians:
  • Lacto-ovo-vegetarian – Eats dairy products and eggs (Most common type)
  • Lacto-vegetarian – Eats dairy products but not eggs
  • Ovo-vegetarian – Eats eggs but not dairy products
Shopping as a vegetarian is quite easy. All you have to do is make sure the food you buy doesn’t have any kind of meat, or contain any eggs or dairy products, depending on which type of vegetarian you are. It should go without saying, but being a vegetarian doesn’t mean you can eat what ever you want. Many people choose to become a vegetarian for the health benefits and or the ethical reasons.


Vegans are like vegetarians, but take it a step further by not consuming, and often times not using, any animal products whatsoever. Vegans choose to eat like this for the same reasons as vegetarians, its health benefits and or ethical reasons. Shopping as a vegan is a bit more tricky, when it comes to multi ingredient foods. Because most foods now a days contain dairy products or eggs, you need to be careful when selecting foods and make sure to read the ingredients so you know exactly what you are buying.
So then main difference between a vegetarian and vegan is that a vegetarian can eat eggs and dairy products, whereas a vegan cannot. People also say that vegetarianism is more of a diet and veganism is more of a lifestyle.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Fitness Motivation

Posted by  thin4life.net


It’s hard for people to follow through with their fitness resolutions because a lack of motivation. Most people fail their fitness resolutions not because they lack will power or are lazy, but surprisingly it’s the opposite. Because they are impatient and have unrealistic expectations about their goals. If they want to lose weight then they go on a starvation diet rather then a sensible one, or of they are trying to gain muscle they will hit the weights too hard and fast and end up hurting themselves. In order to achieve your goals you must have realistic expectations and a reasonable nutrition and fitness plan.
So what is the secret to staying motivated for your fitness resolution? fitness its self. exercising gives you more energy and makes you feel good and, believe it or not, it’s hard not to do something everyday if it makes you feel good. don’t think about what you did the day before, or what you going to do the next day just focus on when you exercise and how good it makes you feel and motivation wont be a problem. Studies show that if you do anything for 30 days it becomes a habit, so try eating healthy and exercising for 30 days and I guarantee you will become addicted to fitness for the rest of your life.

See why Hawaii Slim can finally help you achieve your weight loss goals

Saturday, June 13, 2015

15 Foods That Boost Your Metabolism

Posted by thin4life.net

Here are 15 foods that will help boost your metabolism:
1) Grapefruit: A good source of Thaimine, which is essential for glucose metabolism
2) Green Tea: Contains catechins, which activates your bodies fat metabolizing enzymes
3) Yogurt: The live bacteria in yogurt help your body process food more efficiently
4) Almonds: Contains fatty acids that raise your metabolism
5) Coffee: The caffeine in 1 cup of coffee can temporarily boost you metabolism by 15%
6) Turkey: Great source of lean protein, which helps increase your metabolism
7) Apples: Not only for “keeping the doctor away” but high in fiber, boosting metabolism
8) Spinach: Helps your blood cells get the necessary oxygen to your muscles ensuring your metabolism does not drop or decrease.
9) Beans: A good source of vitamin B, which can speed up your metabolsim
10) Jalapenos: The capsasin in peppers help temporarily increase you metabolism
11) Broccoli: Calcium and vitamin C create a metabolism-rising duo
12) Curry: The spices in curry help you burn fat to create body heat, boosting your metabolism
13) Cinnamon: Add cinnamon to sweet foods and drink to help your body better metabolize them
14) Soy Milk: Contains riboflavin and vitamin B12, which are essential for fatty acid metabolism
15) Oatmeal: Its high fiber content and complex carbs are great for your metabolism

Want to find out how you can look Great for 2014? Check this out: Hawaii Slim

Friday, June 12, 2015

Veggie Wrap Recipe

Posted by  thin4life.info

Here is a Healthy Veggie Wrap Recipe


    • Cabbage (Hint: I prefer cabbage over lettuce because it is thicker, it will hold together a lot better than lettuce and it will keep in the fridge about 2 months)
    • Bean Sprouts
    • Diced Tomatoes
    • Sliced Mushrooms
    • Sliced Avacado
    • Sliced Green Bell Pepper
    • Carrot Strips
    • Diced Onion
    • Picante
    • Cilantro
    • Fresh Squeezed Lime
    • Salsa
    • Bragg’s Ginger & Sesame Salad Dressing (Where to get it? Click Here)
If you’re feeding this to your family the best way to do this is buffet style, get all your ingredients and lay them out so each family member can grab a piece of cabbage and put what they want on their wraps. This is the best way because not everyone will like the same thing and it will also save you from making everyone’s food because they make it themselves.

Benefits of Veggie Wraps:
Veggie wraps are, for the most part, all vegetables so it is healthy and you can eat as much as you want. Plus they are filling so you wont eat as much as you would with other foods, it also means since you wont eat as much you will have leftovers saving you money.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Quick Tip: Healthy Sugar Substitute

Posted on by thin4life.info


A lot of the foods and drinks we consume contain a lot of added sugar to make it taste good, even foods that we didn’t think would like salads and soup, to name a few. And people that eat healthy will usually endure the bland taste of the foods they eat because they know that the sugar is not optimal for their specific diets. but there are alternatives to sugar to make food taste good without it being bad for your diet, I have seen people use agave nectar, brown rice syrup, and maple syrup before but my personal favorite is stevia. Stevia is a herb found in south america and used as a natural sweetner, the leaves of the stevia plant have a 25-30 times sweeter taste than normal sugar and stevia has a 0 glycemic index, 0 calories, and 0 carbs so it’s overall more healthy for you.

See why Hawaii Slim can finally help you achieve your weight loss goals

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Cheat Meat Meals and Why You Need Them

Posted by thin4life.info  


A cheat meal is designed for people who are really strict on their diet and for people who are trying to lose weight. They are also for stress relief because imagine eating the same thing, for the most part, everyday. Your cravings for junk food would keep increasing pushing you to the breaking point. Cheat meals allow you to satisfy those cravings and also it helps trick your body to find new ways to burn calories.

But don’t think of it as a “cheat meal” think of it as an indulgence meal because if you feel like you cheated after eating it then you are missing the point. Cheat meals should be scheduled and not eaten at random when you do finally indulge don’t forget moderation is key, cheat meals don’t give you a free pass to binge. Lastly don’t let cheat meals be a trigger for more poor eating habits and at most you should have 2 cheat meals a week.

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The Differences of Omega 3’s, 6’s, and 9’s

Posted by  thin4life.info


Everyone knows about Omega-3’s but did you know there are omega 6’s and 9’s? You can buy supplements that are omega 3-6-9, which has all three of them in a even ratio but should you? The simple answer is no, you should just stick with omega 3’s.

Omega 3’s: I would recommend to anyone to take, they provide far too many health benefits just to ignore. These include reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, as well as enhanced brain and joint function, just to name a few. They also have muscle-building and fat-loss benefits.

Omega 6’s: Also provide numerous health benefits and are an essential fat for anyone’s diet. But there is a key difference omega 6’s come from vegetable oil, nuts, and grain-fed meat, which aren’t really fats most people are deficient in. So despite being essential these omega 6’s can become very unhealthy when the ration of omega 3’s to omega 6’s become higher than 4:1.

Omega 9’s: Just like the other two omega 9’s also provide health benefits in the form of anti inflammatory properties that provide joint healing and my prevent possible diseases. But also unlike omega 3’s and omega 6’s, the omega 9 fatty acids are not essential. This means that your body can produce them on its own without supplementation.Omega 9’s are also found in olive oil and other vegetable oils. So, if you include those oils in your diet you are likely getting adequate amounts of omega-9 fats.

So you should only stick with the omega 3’s, which it has been recommended that you take 6 grams in the form of fish oil daily. You should also stay away from omega 3-6-9 supplements because generally they have only 10-20 percent the amount of omega-3 fats as omega-3 fish oil supplements.

See why Hawaii Slim can finally help you achieve your weight loss goals

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Is Exercising the True Fountain of Youth?

Posted by thin4life.info



Exercise can help you loss weight and feel great but another thing it can do that is sometimes missed is it can make you look younger. New research from McMaster University in Ontario has found that exercise could not only keep skin younger, but may also even reverse skin ageing in people who become more active late in life. By maintaining a better skin condition you will look younger as poor skin is a sign of aging. When you exercise you increase your body’s blood circulation and temperature which helps push more blood to the surface of your skin. In doing so your skin is provided with more oxygen and nutrients then if you had not been exercising at all. In addition to the extra blood being pushed to the surface of the skin it helps slow down the degeneration process of the skin cells and breakdown of the collagen by doing so it helps slow down the aging process, specifically the “bagginess” that comes with aging.  The best part about all of this is you can start at any age, it’s not one of those things where you have to be a certain age to reek the benefits.

See why Hawaii Slim can finally help you achieve your weight loss goals

Monday, June 8, 2015

Are Super Greens the Perfect Food?

Posted by thin4life.info

According to http://www.health.gov, the recommended daily serving of fruits is 4 servings and vegetables is 5 servings a day for active men. Now let’s be honest here, do you, or anyone you know eat 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day? Probably not, but there are some alternatives.
Now If you’re unable to eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day I would recommend trying a
 greens supplements like this.
This is the stuff I personally use and you’re probably thinking this is just a container full of ground up vegetables. Wrong. It is actually a bunch of differently plant foods to give you the most benefits possible. The ingredient I find the most beneficial is the spirulina, which is probably one of the best superfoods out there. I have been taking a scoop of this every morning for about a week and I have felt considerably better throughout the day. I feel happier, healthier and generally have more energy. But remember greens supplements are NOT a substitute for real food, and if you are getting your recommended servings of fruits and vegetables then you probably don’t need a supplement like this.
A quick word of advice, don’t put the greens into a bowl of oatmeal or you will end up with this.

Now it may not be a looker but you might be thinking, it might not taste so bad. Wrong. The taste was absolutely dreadful, I even tried adding honey to sweeten it up a little but to no avail. This is all coming from personal experience. If you are going to be taking green supplements I would highly recommend putting it into some juice, that is the best way I have found for the best taste. But maybe you could try some experimenting of your own.

If you’re not eat your recommended daily servings then you are missing out on the benefits that come with them.

Other benefits of fruits of vegetables:
  • They are alkaline producing, which can help to preserve bone mass and muscle tissue.
  • They are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fibre, and phytonutrients.
  • They contain lots of water to help you stay hydrated.
Speaking of Spirulina, did you know that Hawaii Slim contains this wondrous Superfood?

Friday, June 5, 2015

Eating peppers can help you lose weight

Posted on by thin4life.info


That’s right, eating peppers can help you lose weight. How? Because of a chemical in the pepper called Capsaicin a compound that makes the pepper hot. Once the pepper is ingested the capsaicin will help “heat up” your digestive system, increased internal body temperature promotes the burning of fat and also helps flush out toxins and decreases boating. Antioxidant foods such as hot peppers are known to combat the formation of cancer causing cells.
Capsaicin effectively suppresses the appetite, because it wholly affects the production of the dopamine hormone that regulates apetite. So by adding hot peppers to every meal, you are cutting your appetite by more than half, which is just enough to eat healthy but not overeat.
in addition capsaicin can also boost your metabolism, capsaicin contains properties that stimulate energy release by consuming three percent more calories, especially when taken before exercising. Also, due to faster lipid metabolism, you will consume more calories while resting, even while sleeping.

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Thursday, June 4, 2015

5 Signs You Might Need To Go Gluten Free

Image result for gluten free diet

Over 55 diseases have been linked to gluten, the protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. It's estimated that 99% of the people who have either gluten intolerance or celiac disease are never diagnosed. It is also estimated that as much as 15% of the US population is gluten intolerant. Could you be one of these individuals?

If you have any of the following symptoms it could be a sign that you are gluten intolerant:

1. Inflammation, swelling or pain in your joints such as fingers, knees or hips.

2. Mood issues such as anxiety, depression, mood swings and ADD.

3. Fatigue, brain fog or feeling tired after eating a meal that contains gluten.

4. Digestive issues such as gas, bloating, diarrhea and even constipation. I see the constipation particularly in children after eating gluten.

5. Neurologic symptoms such as dizziness or feeling of being off balance.

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5 lbs of Fat vs. 5 lbs of Muscle

Posted by thin4life.info   


Pound for pound muscle and fat weigh the same, the difference between the two is that muscle is 18% denser than fat. Meaning that five pounds of muscle takes up less space than five pounds of fat. By looking at the picture at the left you can see that the five pounds of muscle is smaller and takes up less space in your body and be a lot less bumpy under your skin and around your organs than the same weight in fat. Wouldn’t you much rather have five pounds of smooth, lean, dense muscle tissue inside your body than five pounds of unshapely and gelatinous fat? I know I would. There are also many health advantages to increased muscle mass:
  • Create a leaner physique
  • Increase energy and vitality
  • Improve athletic performance
  • Increase your metabolic efficiency

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The 7 Healthy Wonders of Water

Posted by thin4life.info  


1) Stay Slimmer With Water

Trying to lose weight? Water revs up metabolism and helps you feel full.Replace calorie-filled beverages with water, and drink a glass before meals to help you feel fuller.Drinking more water helps amp up metabolism – especially if your glass is icy cold. Your body must work to warm the water up, burning a few extra calories in the process.

2) Water Boosts Your Energy

If you’re feeling drained and depleted, get a pick-me-up with water. Dehydration makes you feel tired. The right amount of water will help your heart pump your blood more effectively. And water can help your blood transport oxygen and other essential nutrients to your cells. 

3) Lower Stress With Water

About 70% to 80% of your brain tissue is water. If you’re dehydrated, your body and your mind are stressed. If you’re feeling thirsty, you’re already a little dehydrated. To keep stress levels down, keep a glass of water at your desk or carry a sports bottle and sip regularly.

4) Build Muscle Tone With Water

Drinking water helps prevent muscle cramping and lubricates joints in the body.When you’re well hydrated, you can exercise longer and stronger without “hitting the wall.”

5) Nourish Your Skin

Fine lines and wrinkles are deeper when you’re dehydrated. Water is nature’s own beauty cream. Drinking water hydrates skin cells and plumps them up, making your face look younger. It also flushes out impurities and improves circulation and blood flow, helping your skin glow.

6) Stay Regular With Water

Along with fiber, water is important for good digestion. Water helps dissolve waste particles and passes them smoothly through your digestive tract. If you’re dehydrated, your body absorbs all the water, leaving your colon dry and making it more difficult to pass waste.

7) Water Reduces Kidney Stones

The rate of painful kidney stones is rising. One of the reasons could be because people — including children — aren’t drinking enough water. Water dilutes the salts and minerals in your urine that form the solid crystals known as kidney stones. Kidney stones can’t form in diluted urine, so reduce your risk with plenty of water!

Are You Drinking Enough Water?

Most healthy adults get enough to drink by letting their thirst guide them.But the exact amount you need depends on your size, level of activity, the weather, and your general health.You may need more water if you exercise or sweat heavily.

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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

5 Easy Changes to Lose Pounds!

Posted by  thin4life.info    

Measuring Tape Wrapped Around Fork

1) Reduce or omit dairy from your diet
The “dirty dozen” outlines the top twelve most polluted fruits and veggies, but when you look at ALL foods the three dirtiest are milk, meat and coffee. That’s why the first three changes in this guide have to do with reducing or omitting these foods. Swap out standard milk (with all its pesticides, hormones and antibiotics) for more healthy almond or rice milk.
2) Cut back on or quit eating meat
Meat lover don’t fret. You can reach your weight loss goals and still eat meat by sticking to a portion that is no bigger than a deck of cards, lean and not charred. Cutting out red meats seem to have great benefits such as better digestion, better heart health, better cholesterol levels and better blood pressure.
3) Get off the bean
Coffee is in the toxic top three (milk, meat and coffee). The sooner you can kick the bean, the better. Coffee is highly acidic, addictive and can disrupt the absorption of certain vitamins and minerals. Not only that but it can also stain your teeth, raise your blood pressure, and aggravate heartburn.
4) Drink your veggies
Alkalizing is easy to accomplish by adding fresh, live greens. A tasty, fast and easy way to eat more greens (with less complaints from veggie haters) is to make green smoothie and juices. Note that popular breakfast foods tend to be very acidic. Gain added alkalization by replacing the typical pancake & egg breakfast with raw veggie drinks. This will lower the pH of your morning meal and encourage healthier cravings throughout the day.
5) Eat more salads
By far the easiest way to add alkalizing greens to your diet is to have one big salad a day. Master the art of making dressings so you can change them up often and keep your taste buds thrilled with a diverse range of salads. Instead of plate of greasy, cheese filed nachos, why not make a Mexi salad. Even if you top it with a few chips and sprinkle it with cheese, you have turned the ratios upside down.

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Why We Should Eat Fat

Posted by  thin4life.info

For years people have thought that the fat in the foods we eat is the cause of them becoming overweight. When in fact eating the right amount and kind of fat can be extremely beneficial.

How Much Should I Eat?According to research 20%-35% of your caloric intake should come from fats. To better help with calculating how much you need 1 gram of fat contains 9 calories. Researchers have also found that eating high protein, high fat snacks will increase your metabolism for up to 3.5 hours. Not only that but eating fat filled meals will keep you full and burn calories.
Eating fat has also been shown to:
  • Allow good production of testosterone and estrogen
  • Play an essential role with nutrient absorption (think important vitamins like D and E)
  • Help protect your immune system
What Fatty Foods Should I Eat?Now with all that being said you are probably wondering what types of fatty foods you should eat to receive its benefits? Here is a quick list showing the “good fatty” foods.
  • Avocados
  • Eggs
  • Fatty Fish
  • Nuts
  • Nut Butter (Peanut Butter for example)
  • Olive Oil
  • Seeds
This by no means is a complete list of all the healthy fatty foods out there these are just to name a few.

Want to Accelerate your Fat Loss? Then check out HawaiiSlim

Monday, June 1, 2015

What is Hawaii Slim?

Posted by  thin4life.info 

What is Hawaii Slim? Hawaii Slim is a “triple action formula” combining fat burners, energy and detoxifying ingredients that was made to deliver better weight loss results than other brands of supplements.

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The 3 Body Types: Ectomorph, Mesomorph, and Endomorph

Posted by thin4life.info

There are three body types ectomorphic, mesomorphic, and endomorphic. Each body type has a set of particular traits and will respond differently to different workout and diet programs. Not every person will fit exactly into one of the categories but will contain features of each, however one is usually predominant over the others.

Have a small build with lean muscle, small joints, and often have below average weight for their height. Also known as the “skinny” guy.
Common Characteristics:
  • Low Body Fat
  • Thin
  • Fast Metabolism
  • Small Joints
  • Flat Chest
  • “Hardgainer”
  • Thin Legs and Arms
  • Narrow Shoulders and Hips
Exercising Tips:
    • Weight train
    • Train with heavier weight in the 5-10 rep range
    • Workouts should be short and intense
Dieting Tips:
  • Eat 5-7 small meals a day
  • Because ectomorphs have a very fast metabolism they need to eat a lot of calories in order to gain weight
The mesomorph is somewhere between the ectomorph and endomorph. They have a large bone structure, large muscles and typically find it east to gain and lose weight. Physically they have the more ‘desirable’ body type.
Common Characteristics:
  • Large head, road shoulders, and narrow waist (V-tapered)
  • Muscular body with strong forearms and thighs
  • Low body fat
  • Puts muscle on easily
  • Burns fat easily
  • eats in moderation
  • well defined muscles
Exercise Tips:
  • Mesomorphs respond best to weight training
  • Stay within the 8-12 rep range
  • Some cardio is recommended to stay lean but not a whole lot
Dieting Tips:
  • Maintain your protein intake to at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight
  • Your carbohydrate intake should be about 40-60% of your diet (Choose healthy foods like brown rice, oatmeal, vegetables, pasta, and whole grain)
  • Stay lean by limiting your fats to 15-20% of your diet
  • Eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day
The endomorph is the exact opposite of the ectomorph. They have more fat build up and find it hard to lose it, despite trying different diets and training programs to lose it. They have little muscle definition and have a ‘barrel’ appearance.
Common Characteristics:
  • Larger frame
  • Large amount of fat build up
  • Find it difficult to lose weight
  • Gluttonous appetite
  • Wide bone structure
  • Slower metabolism
Exercise Tips:
  • Do as much cardio as possible
  • Lift weights
  • Compound lifts are great for burning more calories
  • Stay in the 10-15 rep range
  • Keep workout intensity high
Dieting Tips:
  • Count your daily calories
  • Portion your meals proportionately
  • Eat a lot of vegetables to help keep you full
  • Drink lots of water to help keep you full
  • Eat 30-40% carbohydrates
  • Avoid processed food
  • Eat slower

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