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Sunday, May 31, 2015

Why Working Out at a Gym is Better Then Working Out at Your Home

Posted by  thin4life.info



Working out at home is great because you’re in a familiar environment, you can workout on your own time and you don’t have people stealing your equipment when you walk away to get a drink from the fountain. All that sounds great but what people don’t realize is that signing up and working out at a gym is better than just working out at your home. Some people don’t like working out at a gym because of the “gymtimidation” from the other more fit members, but that in and of itself is motivation because you look at them and have a kind of “if they can do it so can I” attitude and you want to push yourself that much more.
What you also get at a gym that you don’t have access to at your home is a large selection of weight lifting equipment. Quality weight lifting equipment is expensive so no one is really going to have a large enough variety to benefit from. You also have access to, depending on the gym, personal trainers to help get you started in the right direction and you can also ask some of the members for advise as well. So you have a ton of equipment, an ideal atmosphere for working out and people who know a lot about working out that can help you if needed. And most gyms now a day have cheap $9.99 memberships like Gold’s Gym and Planet Fitness so why wouldn’t you want to workout at a gym?

Why Hawaii Slim is right for you

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Why Exercise Accelerates Your weight Loss Goals and Makes You Feel Great

Posted by  thin4life.info 


What is exercise? We have all heard it is good for you but how does it benefit us? Exercising on a regular basis helps many of the body’s systems function better by aiding the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to your body’s tissues and helping the cardiovascular system function better overall.
Exercising will produce endorphins in your body, which is the feel good hormones, leaving you feeling happier and more confident about yourself then when you weren’t exercising no matter what mood you were in. Stress and anxiety will be reduced when you exercise because you are concentrating on your workout with the added bonus of the endorphins, stress and anxiety tend to decrease in size.
Exercising will also help in accelerating your weight loss goals. If you are on a diet and think that is all you need to do to lose weight that’s fine, but if you really want to see those pounds melt off like butter then exercise is the way to go. Because you are engaged in physical activity and burning more calories coupled with a diet you will see the pounds drop.
Want to get a better nights sleep? Then look no further then exercise. Everybody’s body temperature goes up during the day time but drops during the night, which could be a signal letting your body know it’s time to sleep. 30 minutes of exercising is sufficient enough to sustain this higher temperature for up to 4-5 hours and after that time your body’s temperature will drop lower then if you hadn’t exercised at all. This lower body temp is what helps you sleep better. For best sleep results exercise 5-6 hours before bed.
If you can’t do an actual workout then there are some other things you can do to get a workout. Is your house dirty? Then start cleaning, cleaning your house is a great way to get up and get active. The same goes for yard work, not only do you get a workout but your house will look great. You could also start taking your dog on all those walks you promised.
So if you want to speed up your weight loss goals, feel healthier, and feel better about yourself then exercise is the absolute way to go.

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Friday, May 22, 2015

How to Consume Less Calories

Posted by  www.thin4life.info


Eat your calories, don’t drink them. It’s that simple. Let’s take a look at why this will work by using oranges and orange juice as an example. A 24oz cup of OJ is about 330 calories now if your drinking this with breakfast most people would probably have 2 glasses of OJ making it 660 calories total. To get the same amount calories by eating oranges you would need to consume about 10 oranges, now for me and probably a lot of other people two oranges would be enough to fill up and you would only consume 140 calories.
Let’s take a look at why eating your calories is better than drinking them. First because it takes longer to eat calories than drink them. Why is this so important is because it takes around 10 minutes from the time you eat to the time your stomach sends a signal to your brain saying you have had enough. The brain can’t react fast enough when you drink something because it’s in you almost immediately and you don’t have to chew liquids.
Another reason why eating your calories is better is because of fiber. Fiber makes you feel more full without loading you with extra calories. Most juices out there offer a fraction of the fiber you would get by eating the fresh fruit, even the juices with “more pulp”. So by making this simple change in your diet you can seriously cut down on the amount of calories you eat and boost your weight loss goals.

See why Hawaii Slim can finally help you achieve your weight loss goals

Thursday, May 21, 2015

PowerBar vs Snickers

Posted by  Thin4life.info


There are a lot of ways to change up your diet, like eating healthier snack foods such as a PowerBar rather than a Snickers bar. If we compare them side by side we can see why this would be a healthier alternative.
Nutrition:Snickers: (Weight 52.7g)Powerbar: (Weight 55g)
Cals. from fat11080
Total Fat12 g9 g
Sat. fat4.5 g4.5 g
Trans fat0 g0 g
Total Carb.33 g31 g
Dietary Fiber1 g3 g
Sugars27 g15 g
Protein4 g10 g
As you can see the PowerBar, in comparison, has a better nutritional value then the Snickers bar does, but it’s not just the nutritional facts that you need to look at. The ingredients also play a big role on the quality of the product, for example, Snickers uses artificial flavors whereas PowerBar uses natural flavors. The PowerBar also added oat fiber and a Trisource protein blend and if you have read one of my earlier posts you would know that protein and fiber helps keep you full and more energized longer.
To see list of ingredients for Snickers bar click here
To see list of ingredients for PowerBar click here

So the next time you’re about to reach for that candy bar as a quick snack just remember there are healthier alternatives.

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Tuesday, May 19, 2015


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Posted on by  thin4life.info 



This is a healthy recipe to satisfy that sweet tooth and is a healthy snack for whenever you’re looking for a quick bite.
  • 1 Cup of chocolate protein
  • 1 Cup of unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
Mix all of the ingredient together and pour it into an ice tray or popsicle molds, place in your freezer and wait about 1-2 hours for them to completely freeze. Then they will be ready to eat
Nutritional Facts:
  • 320 Calories
  • 59 Grams of Protein
  • 12 Grams of Carbs
  • 4.5 Grams of Fat
With this recipe you can customize it to your personal taste and liking, so play around to see what flavors you can come up with.

See why Hawaii Slim can finally help you achieve your weight loss goals: click here http://clickpartners.go2cloud.org/SHTw2

Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Immune System

Posted by thin4life.info 



Inside your body there is a complex mechanism called your immune system, it works by protecting you against thousands of bacteria, viruses, toxins and parasites that would love to invade your body. Your immune system is constantly at work a lot of it is unnoticed but we can notice it when it does something we can feel. For example, when you get a cut bacteria can enter your body but your immune system works to eliminate the invaders while the skin heals itself. Each day you eat and inhale thousands of germs into your body that your immune system has to deal with and on some occasions a germ gets past and you get the cold. That is sign when your immune system fails but it’s also a sign that your immune system is working when you get better. If your immune system did nothing after you got a cold you would never get better.
So you can see that your immune system is very important for your body and health and you’re probably thinking if there is any way to keep your immune system healthy. Boosting your immune system makes little sense scientifically because your immune system is a system and not a single entity so it requires balance and harmony of your body to function right. But there are healthy living strategies to help give your immune system the upper hand by:
  • Don’t smoke.
  • Eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and low in saturated fat.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Control your blood pressure.
  • Get adequate sleep.
  • Take steps to avoid infection, such as washing your hands frequently and cooking meat thoroughly.
See why Hawaii Slim can finally help you achieve your weight loss goals

Friday, May 15, 2015

Quick Tip: Make Your Food More Flavorful

Posted by  www.thin4life.info


If your food is tasting bland and you want to make it more flavorful without adding those unhealthy artificial flavorings. There is an easy solution and one that I personally use all the time to help make some of the foods I eat taste better. I use salsa, it can be used more then just for dipping chips in I use it all the time on my egg for breakfast, on my chicken for dinner, and even sometimes in salad. Salsa can be used on all kinds of foods you just have to use your imagination and find out what it goes best with to suite your tastes.

Is Hawaii Slim right for you click here:  http://clickpartners.go2cloud.org/SHTw2

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Carbs that Melt Fat

Posted by thin4life.info 



Being overweight, as I am sure everyone knows, is a sure indication of a health risk. Caring about your body and what you put into it is vital to your health. It’s also just as important to know what kind of foods are harmful to your body and which kind are good, generally when mentioned carbohydrates are the first to be brought up and are viewed as the main contributor behind weight gain. They are also mainly thought as cakes, breads and pastas (The bad carbohydrates). They are bad because those types of food are made with white flour, which is processed, meaning they are stripped of their high fiber shell making them high in calories and low in nutrients.
But there is another side to carbohydrates known as complex carbohydrates (I have written more about them in other posts). These are known as the good carbohydrates, which are vegetables, whole grains and fruits. But today researchers have now focused on certain foods known as resistant starch. These particular foods are the carbohydrates that make you feel full longer, and help burn dietary fat and help shrink fat cells. How do they work? Because resistant starch carbohydrates are bulky they take up space in your digestive system and because they are bulky they cannot be digested or absorbed into the body. In turn it does not enter your blood stream therefore, your body does not obtain extra calories. Also when the bulky starch enters the large intestine it produces a certain type of acid called butyrate, basically it blocks the burning of carbohydrates and the liver then uses stored fat for fuel.
Now you’re probably asking how much I should eat and when? In order to increase fat burning after a meal a person needs to replace 5% of dietary carbohydrates with resistant starch.
Here is a list of some foods that are high in resistant starches:
– Lentils
– Yams
– Chickpeas
– Green peas
– Brown rice
– White rice
– Oats
– Kidney beans

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Posted 2 days ago by Jeff Shaw

Monday, May 11, 2015

My Perfect Breakfast


photo (12)
Here is one of my favorite breakfasts, oatmeal with cinnamon, eggs with some pepper on top, a glass of grapefruit juice and a protein shake. Oatmeal is a great meal to start your day off because it is high in fiber, it is a great source of complex carbohydrates and it is packed with nutrients your body needs. The cinnamon helps your body metabolize sugar, the same goes for the grapefruit juice. The pepper is a great fat burner and the eggs and protein shake for the protein.
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Saturday, May 9, 2015

Friday, May 8, 2015

Three Sure Fire Weight Loss Tips

by  Thin4life.info


1) Eat before your eat
East a “mini-meal” made of foods with low glycemic index (GI) – (google low glycemic foods) about 1-hour before every meal. Do this anytime you feel a craving for a high-fat or sweet food.

2) Always leave food on your plate
Then get up and walk away from it. You’ll be surprised at the sense of power and control this gives you over what you eat.

3) Stuff yourself once a week
Just before you leave to do your weekly grocery shopping, you must eat like a pig. Make this your “cheat” meal of the week and you’ll find yourself spending less and buying healthier food.

Is Hawaii Slim right for you? Click here:  http://clickpartners.go2cloud.org/SHTw2

Thursday, May 7, 2015

5 Fat Burning Foods

1. Grapefruit

Grapefruits actually lower the insulin levels in your body, not by much but by some. This lower insulin level help prevents your body from storing as much sugar as fat. Lower insulin levels also help to curb your appetite. Grapefruits are also a well known “calorie negative” food meaning it take more calories to digest a grapefruit then exist in the fruit, which is about 40.

2. Cinnamon
Researchers believe, according the United States Department of Agriculture, that consuming cinnamon can increase your metabolism. These reports found that consuming up to just 1 teaspoon of cinnamon can even increase the bodies metabolism up to 20 times beyond is natural ability. When the bodies metabolism is increased it utilizes more of the stored fat cells for energy.

3. Tea
Tea also increases your metabolism because of the polyphenol found in it. The polyphenol found in tea works to intensify the bodies level of fat oxidation and the rate in which your body turns food into calories.

4. Black Pepper
Black pepper has natural antibiotic characteristics, it also boosts your metabolism and daily consumption of black pepper can help reduce stomach related problems. Black pepper is also very effective against obesity. So black pepper is now more then just a table top dresser.

5. Apples
Apples and other water-rich fruits can help make your diet plan far more effective as the pectin contained within the apples can limit how much fat your cells can absorb. A wide variety of fruits, especially little berries, contain a large number of antioxidants and soluble fiber to aid in digestion.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015


 by  www.THIN4LIFE.info 


The key to losing fat is being able to burn fat. Also known as using body fat for energy. In order to burn fat, you must keep your blood sugar both low and stable. That means you need to avoid foods that raise your blood sugar. Carbohydrates, especially simple carbohydrates (sugar) raise your blood sugar. Protein and fat don’t raise your blood sugar for the most part. When you raise your blood sugar, your body will immediately stop burning fat.
Glucose (carbohydrates) is your body’s preferred source for energy, instead of fat. In order to burn fat, you must not eat simple carbohydrates (sugar). It is best to eat complex carbohydrates (oatmeal, brown rice, vegetables, wheat pasta,etc..,) only as you begin to lose weight and burn fat. The payoff of eliminating simple carbohydrates (sugar) from your diet can be dramatic. Your energy levels will soar. You’ll lose that stubborn body fat. After time your craving for sugar will completely dissipate.


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Feeling Full Tips

  by  www.THIN4LIFE.info  


Feeling Full Tip # 1: Have a fatty snack 10 to 30 minutes before your meals.

Reason: You remain fuller longer.
At the outlet of your stomach is a muscular ring, the pyloric valve. It regulates the speed at which food leaves your stomach and enters your small intestine. This valve is all that stands between the ziti in your stomach and a surge of glucose in your bloodstream. But you can send your pyloric valve a message to slow down.
Fat triggers a reflex that constricts the valve and slows digestion. As little as a teaspoon of fat, easily provided by a handful of nuts, a spoonful of natural peanut or almond butter or a piece of cheese, will do the trick, provided you eat it before your meal. Don’t worry about measuring it out or being precise – a sloppy spoonful or two is fine.
Feeling Full Tip # 2: Drink a protein shake.

Reason: Helps curb hunger pangs
Instead of messing with mixing powders, we recommend Muscle Milk. You can buy it almost anywhere, Wal-Mart, gas stations, health food stores you name it. It is a protein based drink with lots of other nutrients in it as well. The protein is excellent for you and most of their flavors taste great. Another benefit is that it works great as a meal replacement on the go or as a very satisfying and healthy snack. Plus it is loaded with vitamins and minerals to help support and keep your body feeling healthy and energized.

Feeling Full Tip # 3: Start your meal with a salad.

Reason: You get fuller faster.
Soluble fiber from the pulp of plants, such as beans, carrots, apples, and oranges, swells like a sponge in your intestines and traps starch and sugar in the niches between its molecules. Soluble means “dissolvable,” and indeed, soluble fiber eventually dissolves, releasing glucose. However, that takes time. The glucose it absorbs seeps into your bloodstream slowly, so your body needs less insulin to handle it. A good way to ensure that you get enough soluble fiber is to have a salad, preferably before, rather than after, you eat a starch. This also helps you to feel full and satisfied with this healthy alternative.

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