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Monday, July 13, 2015

Weight Loss vs Fat Loss

Posted  by  Thin4Life.info  


When someone says weight loss they automatically make the assumption that it equates to fat loss but that is not always true. In the case of fad diet diets, yes, you can lose weight but what you don’t know is that you are also losing muscle as well. because of the nutritional deficiencies these fad diets put you like a very low calorie intake, although counting calories is important, your body will find other ways to get its energy. And one of these ways is by digesting your muscle, which is actually detrimental to fat loss because muscles help you burn more calories even when you are rest.
If you don’t want to lose fat AND muscle, because let’s be honest who would? Then you need to avoid fad diets or anything else that would have your body digesting muscle for energy. With diets your results are based on the effort you put into them so if you want an easy diet then you will get bad results, if you want results then you are going to have to put in a lot of effort. So if you want to lose weight and keep your current muscle then you just need to eat right, eat your vegetables, eat good fats, eat whole foods and add in some exercise to help accelerate your goals.

See why Hawaii Slim can finally help you achieve your weight loss goals

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